


Cartographer’s controller emits Kubernetes Events when reconciling owner resources (those belonging to a Workload, Deliverable or Runnable) objects.

Events in owner resources

Cartographer emits events with regard to specific resources belonging to a Workoad, Deliverable or Runnable.

Events may be emitted for the following reasons:

  • StampedObjectApplied this event is emitted whenever Cartographer creates or updates an owner resource.
  • StampedObjectRemoved this event is emitted whenever Cartographer removes a resource.
  • ResourceOutputChanged this event is emitted whenever Cartographer notices a resource’s output has changed since the last time it was observed.
  • ResourceHealthyStatusChanged this event is emitted whenever Cartographer notices the healthy status of a resources has changed. For more details see Health Rules

Example events

Here’s an example of events retrieved from a workload using kubectl describe workload <my-workload> -n <ns>:

... Workload description redacted ...
  Type    Reason                        Age                    From      Message
  ----    ------                        ----                   ----      -------
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          3m5s                   Workload  Created object [gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          3m3s                   Workload  Created object [runnables.carto.run/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged         3m2s (x2 over 3m3s)    Workload  [source-provider] found a new output in [gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  3m2s (x2 over 3m3s)    Workload  [source-provider] found healthy status of [gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/testing-sc] changed to [True]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged         2m51s                  Workload  [source-tester] found a new output in [runnables.carto.run/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  2m51s                  Workload  [source-tester] found healthy status of [runnables.carto.run/testing-sc] changed to [True]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          2m51s                  Workload  Created object [images.kpack.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          2m24s                  Workload  Created object [apps.kappctrl.k14s.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged         2m22s (x2 over 2m24s)  Workload  [image-builder] found a new output in [images.kpack.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  2m22s (x2 over 2m24s)  Workload  [image-builder] found healthy status of [images.kpack.io/testing-sc] changed to [True]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  2m22s (x2 over 2m24s)  Workload  [deployer] found healthy status of [apps.kappctrl.k14s.io/testing-sc] changed to [True]

Here’s another example, showing events on a Runnable. Note the StampedObjectRemoved events showing when older stamped runnable objects are garbage collected.

  Type    Reason                 Age    From      Message
  ----    ------                 ----   ----      -------
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied   4m5s   Runnable  Created object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-sg4m5]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied   3m49s  Runnable  Created object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-mx7nw]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged  3m37s  Runnable  Runnable [test] found a new output in [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-mx7nw]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied   119s   Runnable  Created object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-hzkq2]
  Normal  StampedObjectRemoved   113s   Runnable  Deleted object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-mx7nw]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged  113s   Runnable  Runnable [test] found a new output in [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-hzkq2]